Our Mutual activity was an iron chef competition. My nieces did something similar in their ward, and so we decided to give it a shot. It was a blast! The youth were so excited about their creations, and the leaders also seemed to have a fun time too (so bonus!). I think everyone loves a little competition every once in awhile.
We started out by dividing into 4 groups. I had pre-assigned the groups and pre-assigned the house they would go to. I had asked in advance 4 ladies from the ward if we could come to their house. I then told them the food items the youth would be bringing so that they were a little prepared. The youth were given a bag with 4 items:
- Bell Pepper (cut in 1/2 to save on cost)
- Strawberries (a few bagged together)
- cut up pieces from a rotisserie chicken
- a Hershey’s candy bar
- Secret Ingredient: Cream Cheese
They were to make an appetizer (1 serving size each), main dish and dessert. Each item had to be used somewhere in the dishes and the secret ingredient had to be used in all three dishes. The youth took their bag and headed to their house. The ladies and other leaders with them then helped the youth create these dishes. They could use anything in the pantry the host-house was willing to share. They could also use recipes from there. Mostly the youth did it all, creating, organizing, cooking– some more than others, of course. They were very excited about their creations.
(Here is the instruction page given to the youth.)
After a pre-determined time, we met back at the church and there sat the bishopric as the judges. Each group presented their dishes and the judges then voted. The awards were for:
- Best presentation
- best missionary meal
- best dessert
- most original
- Bishopric favorite (that was the grand prize)
The youth presented their dishes to the bishopric and told them what ingredients were used. (They were so stuffed after!!)
So, each group won a prize and then one group won the grand prize. I had Hershey's chocolate bars for that award. The other awards were little candy bars, homemade cookies & leftover and then bagged Christmas candy. (Perfect time to get rid of some!).
Here are the results of the activity overall: I think all of the youth participated, they were proud of their creations and had to work together. I think this can be called a success!