Thursday, February 14, 2013

Roaster ovens ROCK!

Our oven has been on the brink of dying for awhile now. The stovetop still works but it has finally bit the dust. RIP Oven. My mom offered her Roaster oven for me to borrow. Since we are moving, we don't want to go out and buy a new one because our new house might have a perfectly good one for us. We just don't want to take that chance. I complained to a friend about my oven and she said she could go days without turning hers on. I thought about it and I realized I turn mine on everyday, and sometimes for every meal. For example: Breakfast german pancakes, lunch to heat up a frozen pizza and dinner baking chicken. So, it's kind of devastating to my life. Being a homemaker IS my job and it's almost like my 10-key broke down if I were a banker. It's a major tool for me to run my job.

So, I researched Roaster ovens a little and found out that you CAN bake in them! I whipped up a batch of sugar cookies and proceeded to try it out. You just heat up the roaster to the temp on the recipe, place the cookie sheet (a smaller one, so more batches...ugh) on the rack and place the lid on the roaster and bake according to the time on the recipe. It worked!!! So easy too! besides having to do more batches because it's smaller than an oven, it was just the same! So cool.

Here they are baking.....(well, with the lid off. The lid has to be on to work...)

Finished product!

Happy {heart} day!


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